Legacy Mobile 3270 Pro

4.2 ( 9452 ratings )
Forfatter: Red Oak Software, Inc.
25.99 USD

Legacy Mobile 3270 is an enterprise-level solution that enables intelligent legacy connectivity from an iPad. It is a new industrial strength application that extends the capabilities of the leading tablet for business.

Along with enterprise-level legacy connectivity, Legacy Mobile Pro supports the ability to record and playback repeatable transaction macros, to allow for quicker interaction with the everyday tasks that the end-user ordinarily has to work through manually in today’s environment.

Legacy Mobile 3270 provides access to any legacy IBM mainframe application that supports a 3270 user interface and is a fully featured emulation solution for the iPad. It supports access to any online applications available via TN3270.

Legacy Mobile is also intelligent. It understands 3270 data flows inherently, so there is no wasted performance through continuous checking for replies from the server. By fully understanding server communication, Legacy Mobile knows what data to expect.

Legacy Mobile also understands the data itself. It is able to identify what makes up the contents of a 3270 screen. It can recognize start and end of fields and what type they are. This allows your iPad to query and make decisions based on the contents of an application screen in the most efficient manner possible. Legacy Mobile can also handle multiple 3270 sessions in your completed iPad application.

Coming soon, Legacy Mobile will support user macros and extend the functionality of this initial version to support custom end user interfaces.